Sunday, 10 November 2013

Event Picture Post Part I: Connichi convention in Kassel 2013

Hi everyone!
I'm really bad at writing, I know. There's this I-just-don't-feel-like-writing-mood going on write now. So I'm basically only sharing the pics of the Connichi convention in Kassel, and the Innocent World Tea Party.

At the time of the convention, I was a bit out of my lolita mood, so I only brought one outfit with me. I was wearing La Robe Vert Clair by BTSSB x Midori. The headpiece was a last minute decision since everything else simply looked strange. This dress is so loaded, it's been quite hard for me to decide on something ;__;

La Robe Vert Clair outfit rundown:
OP & echarpe: BTSSB
Everything else: selfmade & offbrand

....why did I even bother to write an outfit rundown just now? ( ´∀`)

The pics are in random order since I can't remember which pics I took when. Except for Bea. I love her, so I have to post her first <3

It's always so crowded but the area is still lovely

Bea <3

More of Bea <3

Zhenya and her bf ^O^

Georgina <3

More of Georgina...

...still more of Georgina...

...and even more of Georgina ^____^

Kia and Samira -
can't decide of they look beautiful, amazing or hot

Dorky fun ^O^

more dorky fun ^____^
Suiprincess <3

She's actually wearing a hat I made ^///^

So much love <3


  1. So viele schöne Bilder *O* Und dein Outfit ist einfach genial <3

  2. Die Perücke sieht so toll aus *_* allgemein mag ich die Coord sehr gerne x3~ steht dir ganz toll ^_^

  3. Q/////Q du bist so süß <3 <3 <3
    Die Fotos sind klasse geworden! Du siehst einfach wunderschön in diesem Kleid aus. Als ich das Kleid zum ersten Mal sah dachte ich, dass keine nicht asiatische Lolita jemals darin gut aussehen wird aber du Maria, du schaffst es immer wieder alles zu übertreffen <3

    1. Hhiii <3
      Ich danke dir, ehrlich! Du bist so wahnsinnig lieb ich halts kaum aus. Ich hab den unbezwingbaren Drang dich zu knuddeln ;O;
