Monday, 28 January 2013

Angelic Pretty's Sweet Chandelier, Christmas and New Year

Hi Lovelies!!
First of all, I'm really honoured by so many followers. Thank you all, I'll try to keep this blog as interesting as possible, even though I don't post as much!

Today, a truly beautiful dress arrived. It's the Sweet Chandelier OP by Angelic Pretty. I've been lusting over it since I saw the first pics of it. Now, I want it in pink and black as well *Q*.
I'll try to wear it as Marie Antoinette inspired as possible. I'm excited how it'll turn out!  I'll probably make a new hat with loads of feathers and I'd love to get some shoes with small heels!

The coord I planned so far

Oh the details <3

Because I didn't do so earlier, here's a short summary of Christmas and New Year!
I was able to spend the time with my boyfriend and we exchanged Christmas gifts, played board games while drinking, and so on.
On New Year's Eve we went out taking pictures and I was wearing a more historical inspired Lolita outfit. Here's one of our favourite results:

Taken by B1nh:

One of his presents for me: a letter from Hogwarts! <3
I'm such a huge Malfoy Harry Potter fan!

Our Christmas Tree
My plans and resolutions for this year are:
- more travelling (hopefully with my honey)
- wearing Lolita more often
- doing better at university & studying harder
- moving out & getting more independant
- keeping my weight & staying fit (kind of like.. the standard line for every women I guess^^)

On 17 January, another gift (for being together for 1 month) from my boyfriend arrived. He's so amazingly creative! I really have troubles keeping up with him*O*
It's a wonderful and very personal letter designed like a television show. At the end, there's an autograph of Jürgen Domian who I really, really look up to!

 From next week onwards I'll have to write several exams for university. It's going to be super hard since I'm so extremely lousy in economics (management, marketing and so on x__x ). After that I'm finally able to write some more Lolita related entries again. That's a promise! ^___^

Take care <3


  1. Aw du hast das Chandelier! Echt ein schönes Kleid! Zauber was draus!

  2. das Kleid ist echt total hübsch =D
    hoffe ich seh dich auf der LBM ^^
    sieht toll aus mit dem lockigem Haar ;)

    1. Ich hoff ich seh dich! Ist klasse, dass du zur LBM kommst. Warst du schonmal da?

  3. WOOOOW the OP!! Congrats! The print is fabulous, also the design!
    The picture from new year's eve is perfect!

  4. Oh, ein wunderschönes Kleid! *_*
    Und super schönes neues Fotos, ich find's süß, dass dein Freund so kreativ ist (ist meiner auch), das kann eine Frau echt glücklich machen. <3

    1. Dankeschön! Ja man fühlt sich irgendwie gewertschätzter (ist das überhaupt ein Wort? XD)
      Klar ist man einem nicht so kreativen Menschen sicher genauso wichtig aber so kommts halt nochmal stärker rüber. Ich glaub du weißt was ich meine :D

  5. Awww ich liebe dieses Kleid *^* du Glückliche <3
    Binh´s Geschenk ist ja mal mega knuffig ^^
    Ich bin auch auf Bilder mit dir in dem Kleid gespannt :)

    1. Das Kleid war Liebe auf den ersten Blick, bzw Bild. Ich versuch das Beste draus zu machen :)

  6. Das Kleid ist so hübsch! *q*
    Da bin ich auf Fotos gespannt :)

  7. Ahhhhhh you got the dress ; w; ahhhhhhhhh so jealousssss ffffff

    1. Don't be jealous!!! ;O; It's really lovely and I cross my fingers for you <3

  8. I had just come across your blog just now, and I just want to say that you definitely have an intricate and unique look! ^^ I really love the Sweet Chandelier OP and the print is really lovely!

    Anyway, hope to see more from you and the best of luck on the exams!

    1. Wow thank you so much for this huge compliment and thank you for wishing me good luck! I really needed it ;O;

  9. Hey,
    ich habe dich übrigens mal nominiert:


  10. hello ^^
    you are really beautiful * o *
    by chance could you tell me where you bought your beautiful hat with feathers that goes with the sweetie chandelier ? ^ ^

    1. Hi! Thank you so much *O*
      I got the hat itself by a local hat shop and decorated it by myself ^__^

  11. it really is beautiful * o *
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